Sunday, April 12, 2015

Recently, actually a number of times in the past few weeks I have heard or read people bemoaning the supposed fact that there is nothing good to hear on the radio. I have to wonder just what it is that they are listening to that would spark such a comment. Every year around this time beginning with SXSW in Austin, Texas and running through the end of the festival season around late September, a group of friends, myself included go on what seems almost to be a feeding frenzy hunting for new music, ah yes the hunt is on.  Just in the last few weeks I have gotten new music from Glass Hammer, The Como Brothers Band, Salem Hill, Richie Furay and a number of others. I am still waiting for projects to come in the mail from Rayvon Pettis, SHEL and Rachel Taylor, waiting rather eagerly I might add. Road trips are planned in the next few weeks to see Glass Hammer, Burlap To Cashmere and Melanie Penn. Spring has finally come to the New York metropolitan area after a bitter winter that just seemed like it did not want to let go. Road trips are a necessity that at 65 plus years old I still look forward to especially if there is good music, good food and good friends to be involved. Might I also suggest a few books that are on my Spring reading list, check out the following titles:
"Bigger On The Inside, Christianity & Doctor Who" on Square Halo books by Ned Bustard & Glen Thornbury.
"The Gifted" by Matthew Dickerson is the first volume in a new fantasy trilogy.
"Dark Bride" by Jonathan Ryan is the second in his horror series, the first book was great.
"Rumours Of Glory" a spiritual memoir by Canadian artist Bruce Cockburn, one of my favorite songwriters.
You might also want to subscribe to "Image Journal" an arts quarterly out of Seattle, always a thought provoking read.
Just last week I read the announcements that NY radio DJ's Vin Scelsa of WFUV and Pat St. John od WCBS fm were retiring from radio. I am sorry to see both of these excellent broadcasters leave but it has instilled in me a desire to make my show "Rock N Soul Gospel" a better show than ever before. It is a challenge that I fully accept!!! Included in this entry are 2 videos for you to check out!!!

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