It is now mid-April, Spring is in full sway, Easter has passed and the trees are beginning to bloom. It was in the Spring of 1968, 49 years ago that I did my very first radio show and now 49 years later I am still excited every time that I sit down behind the radio console and slip in the opening theme to "Rock N Soul Gospel". Each time I hear the opening notes of "Check It Out" by "After The Fire" I know that I have the opportunity to share some of the best rock n roll on the radio. This is an opportunity that I take very seriously and I am so very grateful that I still have the fire burning in my heart and soul to do just that. Lately I have been closing the show with an invitation to join me again the next time to hear the best rock n roll on the radio and I sincerely mean that. I am very careful about the choice of tunes that I give air time to. I don't want to pick songs that are disposable music or are the flavor of the week. I have said before that I want to paint a sonic tapestry that will touch someone's soul deep, deep down inside and will create in them a desire for beauty. Some of the new music that I have come across lately are absolutely amazing, albums by artists such as:"Celestial Fire", "Dave Perkins" and "The Power Triplets". As always the search continues for more and more great music to share with you guys, generically speaking of course. Be sure to tune in to 88.1fm & every Friday night at 9 and Sunday evening at 5. You'll be glad you did, I promise!!!