Every time that I look at a social media site these days all I see is people bemoaning 2016 as a horrible year. Now there were obviously a glut of celebrity/ media deaths last year but isn't that the same every year. When I look back as a radio disc jockey on the year 2016, I see a year filled with amazing new music, books and film. With new, at the time, releases from such diverse artists as Glass Hammer, The Last Bison, Mark Lettieri, Dave Beegle, Dusty Brown, Tom Conlon, Lights For Landing and many others the year was absolutely filled with amazing music. And to top it off I got to share it all on the radio. I found out earlier in the year that apparently I am the proud papa of the worlds oldest rock n roll radio show, that and $2.75 will get me on the subway in the city. I wouldn't have it any other way though, I have been doing radio since 1968 and I still get a rush every time I sit down in the studio to start a show. I am so looking forward to the upcoming year with all that it will artistically bring forth. Be sure to check out the film "Silence" when it goes into wide spread release on January 13th and though I don't have a tentative release date yet be on the lookout for new music from Bruce Cockburn. Also be sure to tune into "Rock N Soul Gospel" every Friday at 9pm & Sunday at 5pm, NY time, at 88.1fm & WCWP.org because as the kids these days are prone to say: "We will, we will rock you".